computer and electronics recycling

Reasons to Recycle Electronics


How recycling electronics can help preserve our future

Since I have started in business I have struggled with figuring out who and what my competition is and to develop strategies to compete against them.  I am finding that my biggest competition comes from the very customers that I am seeking to do business with.   I can say this because no one seems to know what to do with their old electronics other than throw them in the trash.  All of these obsolete, broken and discarded electronics are creating a real environmental problem.  So the biggest challenge I am currently facing is letting people know why it is important to recycle electronics, and not simply throw them in the trash.

Electronics are made up of metals, which are recyclable. Taking apart end-of-life electronics such as computers, and recycling the various materials in them promotes the conservation of undamaged natural resources. Also, it helps prevent water and air pollution that is brought about by improper disposal. It also helps in reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced as a result of the manufacture of new electronics.

Having an obsolete computer or any other old electronics in the house is a common feature in many homes in the U.S. Millions of tons of used electronics such as televisions and computers are disposed of annually. This is why it is so important to educate people about the benefits of electronics recycling.

Electronics Recycling Conserves Natural Resources

Most of the metals on a circuit board can be recovered in the refining process. Because of this, there is less of a need to mine untapped natural resources.  Most of these recovered metals can be reused almost an infinite amount of times, which is very important considering how we treat our environment as well as considering the socio-economic climate in the countries some of these metals are mined in.

Electronics Recycling Supports the Community

Donating your old electronics plays an important role in job creation. Breaking apart electronics is a labor-intensive process and requires multiple workers to become efficient.  It also helps to provide awareness to a growing problem in the form of E-waste by spreading the message to the local community.  As a result of the awareness created, the demand for responsible electronics recycling increases and the local industry is forced to grow and hire as a result of the increased demand.

Electronics Recycling Helps Protect Public Health and the Environment

Many electronics have toxic or hazardous materials such as mercury and lead, which can be harmful to the environment if disposed of improperly. Reusing and recycling electronics safely helps in keeping the hazardous materials from harming humans or the environment. For example, old cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions and computer monitors are hazardous since they have lead in them. These CRT’s are a huge problem since they are costly to dispose of properly. Think of Flint, Michigan, no one wants those lead problems in their backyard.  Printed circuit boards also contain harmful materials such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and chromium. Computer batteries and other electronics may contain hazardous materials such as cadmium, mercury, and lead.

Next time you have old computers or electronics you need to dispose of, don’t throw them in the trash.  Find a company like Sensible Recycling that will come and pick up your old electronics and responsibly recycle them.

free electronics recycling service

Responsible Electronics Recycling

Responsible Electronics Recycling

I saw a statistic that blows me away: electronics make up 2% of the material in landfills but account for 70% of the toxins. Since I began my company, Sensible Recycling, I am amazed by the amount of people I meet that don’t know what to do with their old electronics. My neighbor across the street threw their old computer in the trash today, despite knowing what I do for a living. Are we killing ourselves because of our lack of understanding, or is it too difficult to do the right thing because electronics recycling isn’t accessible?

Recycling electronics is not like glass, paper, or plastic. You can’t just throw it in a bin and stick it on the curb. You have to horde it and wait for one of those community recycling days, or take it to a scrap yard. Even if you do that, do you know if your material is being recycled responsibly, and what is responsible recycling of electronics?

As the owner of an electronics recycling company, my definition of responsible recycling differs than that of many recycling companies out there. If you are throwing your electronics on the curb, I hope they don’t contain data. Your hard drive contains your entire online life, don’t let some guy in a pickup truck looking for scrap metal grab it. God knows where it goes from there. For the same reasons, don’t take your electronics to a scrap yard. Scrap yards recycle metal, and while they may take your electronics, you have no guarantee that it is being handled properly. Some other recycling company may buy that material to be processed overseas, or it may wind up being bought by company and handled properly. You just don’t know.

Find someone that is recycling, not refurbishing. I am biased on this point because I do not refurbish material. Granted some material I receive is reusable, and to that point it can and will be reused. I do not refurbish because it creates issues with lesser material. If you are solely looking for material to refurbish, then what happens to broken or obsolete material? Refurbishing also requires a lot of expense for various certifications and time to test products and load new operating systems. By not focusing on refurbishing, all material can be broken down to the base components, sorted and processed for outlets that are looking to recover the metals for reuse. Components that are reusable can be sold to someone that specializes in building, repairing, or refurbishing. This process allows for my company to recycle all electronics that come our way, even the ones that are unwanted elsewhere, responsibly. I don’t need special certifications that a refurbisher needs. I can also offer my services free of charge because I have less overhead. I also take care of the responsible side because I can use a certified downstream for some items, and send directly to a refiner for other items.

Another issue to consider when recycling electronics is making sure your data is destroyed. If you are getting rid of your computers at the local city or county waste department, they aren’t destroying your data. If you are taking your computers or other data containing items to the scrap yard, they aren’t destroying your data. If you are throwing away your old electronics, your data is definitely not being destroyed. It is the policy of Sensible Recycling to destroy all hard drive data, be it by sanitizing or physical destruction. We also provide serialized certificates of destruction for this service. We can do all of this free of charge because our overhead is low because everything is broken down and recycled.

All electronics recycling companies are not created equally. We all have our specialty, or niche. Some may charge, some may buy, or some can do it for free. It is our goal at Sensible Recycling to make recycling responsibly easy, accessible, and free. The important thing is to make sure your material is handled correctly.

For more information, contact us.

free electronics recycling event

Electronics Recycling Event

Free Electronics Recycling Event

Sensible Recycling will be hosting our first electronics recycling event on Saturday, June 18th and Reunion Bank in St. Augustine Beach, Florida.  Please come out and bring your old computer and electronics so we can recycle them properly.  We are also providing free on-site hard drive destruction to help keep your data safe and secure.  If you have any questions, please give us a call at 904-327-3426 or contact us. Thanks!

Electronics Recycling Event

Electronics Recycling Event